Head Injuries & Concussions


Brain injuries & concussions are not to be taken lightly, no matter the age of occurrence. The eyes play a crucial role in taking in environmental stimuli and sending data to the brain. It is imperative for the brain and eyes to be in sync for efficient processing of information. Seven of the twelve cranial nerves that lead your body are primarily used for eye functions – the most metabolic activity occurs when the eyes are asked to move and perform.

Brain injuries or concussions can have a significant impact on the brain's ability to receive and process information, resulting in issues with balance, movements, and disorientation. Vision therapy has been found to be effective in treating concussions and brain injuries. This therapy involves a series of exercises and techniques aimed at improving visual processing and perception. By addressing visual deficits caused by a brain injury, vision therapy can help individuals improve their balance, coordination, and cognitive function. It is important to note that vision therapy should be used in conjunction with other therapies and treatments for a comprehensive approach to treating concussions and brain injuries.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain and head injuries can cause damage to your visual system as well as major disruptions to your wellness, productivity, and lifestyle. However, with treatment, you can regain visual skills, reduce or eliminate your symptoms, and learn to love your life again. At EyeXcel Family Eye Care and Vision Performance Center, we believe in a collaborative approach to treatment and ensure that every patient has the support they need to recover. Our doctors and our team of trained vision therapists are tirelessly dedicated to the success of our patients. If you’ve suffered a head or brain injury of any kind, we have the tools, treatments, and expertise to ensure that you get the care you need for all of your symptoms.

Visual Concussion & Brain Injury Symptoms

  • Dizziness, motion sickness

  • Blurry vision

  • Double vision

  • Light sensitivity

  • Intolerance and avoidance of reading

  • Reduction of visual field

  • Peripheral vision problems

  • Avoidance of busy crowds

  • Depth perception problems

  • Intolerance to digital device use

  • Decreased reading comprehension

How Head Injuries Affect Vision

Because the visual system is in so many parts of the brain, it is susceptible to injury, no matter how bad your accident may be. According to The Concussion Project, up to 1/3 of the symptoms you may experience are visual, and over 50% of people who experience a concussion or post-concussion syndrome suffer from visual issues. Seeing Dr. Mulvihill or Dr. Gilliland at EyeXcel Family Eye Care can help you remaster your visual skills and preserve your long-term vision.

Your central vision is part of your vision that allows you to focus straight ahead, allowing you to read, draw, write, and drive. Your peripheral vision is responsible for determining space and motion—ensuring you know where you are in relation to the world around you. To get the most out of your vision, these two systems must be working in harmony. However, after a concussion or head injury, due to imbalance you may find seemingly simple tasks, like reading or processing busy areas, difficult. At EyeXcel Family Eye Care and Vision Performance Center, we have the latest technologies that will help determine the severity of the imbalance between these two systems, and we will develop a personalized treatment plan that is designed to give you back your vision and your life.

Visual Treatments for Concussions

Vision Therapy & Neuro-Rehabilitation

Vision therapy at our Vision Performance Center is centered around helping you rebuild visual skills by strengthening the eye-brain connection. Vision performance training helps retrain your brain to use the visual system.

Prism Lenses

Prism lenses help improve spatial vision, aiding your ability to perceive depth and navigate yourself around your world.