Overcoming Vision Challenges with Specialty Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a popular and practical way to improve your appearance and correct your vision. But what if you suffer from a vision issue that standard contact lenses cannot treat? What if you have a medical issue that makes it challenging or impossible to use contacts?

There are still choices available. People with various visual issues and eye disorders can benefit from wearing contact lenses, thanks to specialty lenses.

Specialty Contact Lenses: What Are They?

Special contact lenses meet your specific vision and eye demands. These lenses’ shape, size, material, design, and function differ from those of standard lenses. Your eye doctor may recommend soft or rigid gas-permeable (RGP) specialized lenses, depending on your eyesight problem.

These are typical examples of specialty contact lens types:

  • Ocular Sclera

Large-diameter RGP lenses, called scleral lenses, enclose the cornea entirely and sit on the white of the eye. They also produce a fluid reservoir and a smooth optical surface. For people with uneven corneas, dry eyes, or other eye disorders, they enhance vision and comfort.

  • Adaptive Lenses

These blend the comfort and convenience of soft lenses with the clarity and stability of rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. They are beneficial for treating keratoconus, presbyopia, and astigmatism.

  • Artificial Lenses

Soft or RGP cosmetic contact lenses mimic your natural eye color or improve your appeal. They help people with eye problems caused by injuries, diseases, or congenital disabilities. They also help those with heterochromia or who want to change their eye color for different reasons.

Who Is a Candidate for Specialty Contact Lenses?

People with vision or eye issues that ordinary contact lenses cannot fix can benefit from specialty contact lenses. This includes those with the following conditions:

  • Keratoconus.

  • Complications following surgery.

  • Dry eye disease.

  • Presbyopia.

People with eye issues that compromise their eye comfort or appearance may also benefit from wearing specialized contact lenses.

How to Purchase Specialty Lenses

Consult an eye specialist who specializes in fitting specialty contact lenses to enjoy the benefits of wearing them. To determine the appropriate lenses, they will evaluate your eyes, visual needs, and goals and take measurements or scans. They will also show you how to take care of your lenses and use them. Specialty lenses might be more expensive, but insurance might pay for them if an eye doctor deems them medically necessary.

Frequent Questions About Specialty Lenses

Following are some responses to some of the most typical queries regarding specialty contact lenses:

How safe are specialty contact lenses? When fitted and worn correctly, they are safe. Pay attention to your eye doctor’s advice and maintain good hygiene.

How comfortable are specialist contact lenses? They are unique to your eyes and what your eyesight demands. Although it could take some time to acclimate to them, most people do so quickly.

How difficult are specialist contact lenses to wear? Once you understand how to use them, they are simple to wear. Your eye doctor will teach you how to put them in, take them out, and take care of them.

Are they worthwhile? They are beneficial if they improve your vision, comfort, and look. Additionally, they can enhance your quality of life.


If regular contact lenses cannot correct your visual issues, specialty contacts are a great solution. You will see, feel, and look better thanks to them. Contact an eye specialist who can help you choose the best option.

For more on specialty contact lenses, visit EyeXcel at our Knoxville, Tennessee, offices. Call (865) 687-1232 or (865) 243-8260 to schedule an appointment today.